the eternal yard sale

A project that marries humor and nostalgia to an experience akin to an alternate reality game (ARG), YARD SALE allows participants to either find clues to advance the story across multiple social media platforms, or just enjoy the surface level insanity.

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the yard sale flyer

Posted once a week across the multiverse, the YARD SALE Flyer lists the current items on offer, which also help build out the world. And if you’re the puzzle-solving sort, they’ll occasionally contain clues that advance the story.

hamlaser (1979)

The multiverse of YARD SALE is vast and wild and sometimes offers up artifacts from bizarre alternate realities like this poster for a 1979 movie starring Sigourney Weaver, which apparently went on to become a venerated franchise.

service falcon album

One of the main mysteries of YARD SALE is Missouri City, Kansas, a metropolis that doesn’t exist in our reality, but apparently did in some other universe. This is an artifact from that realm, which was mysteriously destroyed not long after Service Falcon released this album.


Untethered Spirit